I just found this email in my drafts box, if you have ever worked in a restaurant, I think you might find it entertaining as you know exactly what I am talking about!
Hello my darling Daniel,
Here is my crash course in closing up shop 101!
Around 1:30ish Alexis is going to call down to the host stand to do the 1st set of money. It will be Sophia and Alexis's money.They are usually spot on with everything and really want to bone out. You will put there numbers on the drop sheet paper that the day crew already started. Once this is done, Baker, Sophia and Alexis will bone out. Amanda will be the next one up. Again, she is always spot on a really great. She sometimes hangs out after work which is totally fine and she is great about cleaning up after herself and not getting too crazy.
I always have the closer back waiter check out the opening back waiter as whatever isnt done falls onto that person. Pilar and Gaby are always spot on so you really never need to worry about them.
At this point it is most likely 2:15-2:30. I always run back down starts and just check to make sure everything is going well. I wipe off the mirror of the specials and make sure the bathrooms are stocked. Then run back upstairs with a glass of something and your closing servers will be up there doing the rest of the money and the tips. Once this is all done, I usually just chill upstairs until Thurman and Jeffrey come upstairs and do everything for the email so its done and all I have to do at 4AM is press send. Thurman usually wants to bone out but Jeffrey is sometimes a mission to get upstairs. If there are hot girls at the bar....you need to go down and grab him. Make sure he grabs his bar tool box cause he always forgets it.
You cash those guys out and not finish up the worksheet. On the bottom of the worksheet you add the totals from day and night at the very bottom.
You count the banks and make sure those are perfect and then drop them in the safe. The money stuff is pretty much the exact same as day. Banks, tips, sheet...all the same.
Once everything is done of the 3rd floor, I lock up everything and make sure it is tidy but you dont have to go overboard but I just make sure there isnt any glassware or random crap laying around. I lock the office door...make sure you have everything out of there that is necessary. Jeffrey and Thurman tend to leave jackets and shit in there all of the time. Turn off the light about Michelle's/chef desk and call it a day on the 3rd floor.
When you get to the second floor...you will find Alex cleaning up everything. I just like to go behind the bar and make sure all of the bottles have been wiped off and there is not dusk on them and no random glassware anywhere. You leave the lights on everywhere else except the 3rd floor. Alex is really great and he does everything spot on so not a ton to worry about. I usually grab any excess menus and recycle them and grab the wine lists so its all downstairs for brunch. 2nd floor is done and walk downstairs.
This is where is gets annoying and you are tired and want to go home.
Hilary and Tyler... you need to double check everything. Dont let them start to drink until they are off the clock. They get super lazy and slack. You need to make sure they are doing there shit so you arent there later then you need to be. They tend to want to hang out after work which is completely up to you but its a late night and I make sure we are out the door by 5AM. You sort of have to put your foot down about when its time to leave. Its up to you cause you have to be the last person out of the building. The dishwasher guy and the porters are the only people allowed to be there after you leave.
When checking behind the downstairs bar, make sure Tyler put away the fruit, the sugar is wrapped, the floor is mopped, the taps are wrapped. Ask Jeffrey if you have any questions...he will probably be a few sheets to the wind but he is helpful. Make sure he doesnt unwrap anything and pour himself a shot. He can of any of the bottoms but not from the taps or anything.
Ben, the security guard, pulls in the bench, closes the curtains and does everything else random. Ben will also help you get everyone out when its time. I usually give them a 5-10 minute warning. DONT let anyone smoke on the 1st floor. They will all try and do it but dont let them!
At that time...you are pretty much good to go! Nothing super crazy. Its more money to count and a few things to check but nothing crazy.
Hope this helps. Aduni and Baker will be there tonight and they both trained me on closing so you are in good hands!!!!
Loves you so much and thank you!