Daily Thoughts...
Do you ever hate yourself for being too nice? Then hate yourself for even thinking that. Nice is who you are. Even if there are shitty people in this world that want to rain on your parade, you should NEVER let them! Fuck them for wanting to put the kibosh on your thoughts/feelings/ideas. Always be true to yourself. You can never be doing something wrong if you are being true to the inner you. That is it. People are going to hate, be jealous, be negative and try to bring project their thoughts onto you. It is one of the most difficult things not to be persuaded or fall into their thoughts. You start doubting yourself and second guessing. I fucking hate this. The moment you start questioning yourself, stop for a hot second, come back to your center and original thought and if you still feel that way, tell everyone to go fuck themselves and you do you! That's being true to yourself. If anything, people will respect you for staying true ....and be envious that they don't do it more often themselves.