Life in a Tin Can
Lately I have been really enjoying my time outdoors. I am not talking about the wilderness, I am talking the city streets. Which for it being winter in New York, this is something no one should be enjoying. However, I really have been. The other day I was on the subway and I was thinking that how much time do we spend in something. In our homes, the subway, in cabs or cars, in buildings, basements some days barely seeing the light of day. It made me a little depressed to be honest. Granted when there is a blizzard outside or its pouring rain and its just overall gross outside, there is nothing better than being snuggled up on your couch with your dog, watching a movie or catching up on your guilty pleasure, ordering something off of That is seriously one of the best days ever in my book. I am 1000% guilty of it hundreds of times. Even when the weather was really nice outside.
In January, I was almost getting nauseous being indoors though. It was weird. It felt like I had a severe head cold and my stomach would get upset and I would step outside and instantly feel better. Go figure right. I didn't want to take a cab (which for those who know me, is my preferred method of travel), I wasn't about to walk down into even more claustrophobic shit show called the 6 train. So I was doing a lot of walking. I know there are very few places in the country that you don't need a car to get around. It is absolutely one of my favorite things about living here. Even though it wasn't a glorious 72 and sunny, I put my boots on and was walking almost everywhere. I loved it. The fresh air made me feel better. My poor friends indulged me and would walk with me. Walking is free and exercise! Cant beat that folks!
Now that we are in February, this hasn't been an issue at all. Who knows what was going on in my body. I will say that I have kept up the trend and been walking a lot more. The trains are like sardine cans. Taking a cab can get expensive real quick. If its 20 blocks and I am wearing whatever shoes I want, I am walking! If I was wearing heels, for get about it! I have become such a puss when it comes to high heels. I work in an industry where I am on my feet for a copious amount of hours day in and day out. My feet have become like soldiers going to battle everyday. I want gel inserts (usually having a least 1 extra pair in my backpack at all times) and zero heels. Sometimes you need to jus it up and look like a lad. These women that wear heels all of the damn time, props to them but feet cant take it anymore.