Bright Star: A New Musical
I went with my friend Daniel to see this the other night. His boyfriend is in the ensemble and Steve Martin made a've got to be curious about it. I didn't know what to expect as Daniel didn't want to spoil anything for me as he has seen it half a dozen times. He literally was singing along the whole time! We were front row. Which was kind of crazy because we were legit in the spotlight during some of the scenes.
As I don't want to be the spoiler, I can disclose very few things about the play itself. However, I can tell you that it is a MUST SEE! The music is fun and catchy. There are a few songs that you totally want to add to a playlist. It is a lot of casts Broadway Debut which is insane as you would like these cats were vets just from how they have such a presence on stage.
During the show, you will laugh, you will cry, you will be surprised and almost shocked at some points. You will want to join in on the hand jive moments and jump up and start dancing during others.
If anything I would suggest seating a few rows back and off to the left side of the stage or front row mezzanine.
This show is going to be a classic and I am so fortunate to meet the cast and see if first hand. Bravo to Bright Star! Now go buy your tickets and see it immediately!