Brodo: What's in a broth?
With this broth craze going on right now, I need to experience it first hand to see what it was all the fuss was about. My sister and made our way down to 12th and 1st Ave on a cold Monday afternoon. I had no idea what to expect. It was a window next to Hearth is all I knew. It being freezing outside, the window was closed. I, at first, thought it was closed because there was no line but as soon as I popped my to look inside, a very hip girl opened the window and asked what would like. I glanced at the menu and asked for suggestions. She said that the combinations were really good. Me being in love with ginger, I went to with the Marco. I figured if the owner named it after himself that it had to be good! My sister got the Tum Yum cause she is into coconut milk.
After we placed our order and the girl was mixing magic, I looked into the kitchen space and saw an old friend in his chef whites walking by. I yelled out, "Is that Grant?' He did a roundabout and came to the window. We caught up for a hot second discussing his wife, who is also a good friend of mine, to what we ordered. He approved of our selections, we said our goodbye's and went on with our day. Which for us including mousing around the East Village while we enjoyed this warm cup of goodness.
My sister thinks it the darnest thing that broth is all of the rage right now. She cant believe that you can just walk up to a window and get a cup of it on the go. It's another reason why I love this city some much. You can get or do anything here. Even a cup of water that has been boiled with ginger, tumeric and the bones of an animal.
My Marco was delicious. I thought it kind of tasted like mustard...which I love! My sister loved her's as well! Oh a cold day in the city aka November-March, I am always up for a cup of broth! Its simple, delicious and everything anyone would want. Plus, I find a cup of broth more satisfying than a Latte from Starbucks.
Hearth broth, ginger, turmeric
$7.50 10oz • $10.75 16oz
Tum Yum
Chicken broth, coconut milk, chili
$6.75 10oz • $9.00 16oz