Quality vs Quantity
It's been 4 months and 20 days since the last time I had sex but hey who is counting. This Summer I was working all of the time and did not really have the opportunity to get some. Any guy I was interested in, I would say, " Hey I get off at 11PM, want to meet me here at 10:30PM and we can go out from here..." Who the fuck is able to meet someone at 10:30PM on a Tuesday anyways. The answer is very few and those aren't people I necessarily want to be sleeping with anyways. For such a sexual person, I have come to the point in my life where I dont want to just have sex to have sex. All of the bull shit drama that comes with it doesn't appeal to me anymore. I dont want him to sleep over and I dont want to sleep over at his place either.
I have literally kicked guys out of my vagina midway through sex. I am looking at them and totally get turned off, put my feet up against their chest and extend my legs... I feel bad but its almost as if my cognitive brain kicks in and is so grossed out by these guys or the fact that it isnt pleasureable because I am just having sex to have sex. I dont really know what it is but it has happened more than once.
"Eww, get out of me!" - My brain
I have brought guys home when I have been a few sheets to the wind and before even getting in the cab to come uptown, I have flat out said, "You are not sleeping over!" When the act was all said and done, I dont feel bad sending them back down to the West Village to pick up their bike to head home to somewhere in deep Brooklyn. I told them upfront! I have become a fan of sex in parks or public places. Again, no commitment for them coming over. Wham Bam Thank You Sir!
But seriously, I am at the almost 5 month mark, I have the option to have sex with someone night but its so planned out, " I have a meeting in midtown at 3PM and can be at yours by 5PM but have dinner back dowtown at 8PM." Where is the romance? Where is the foreplay? Anything.... Sex nowadays isnt sexy. I have been going out trying to broaden my group of friends and some of these women are making it way too easy for guys. I think these women are trying to feel empowered and be the "Samantha" of their group but they are making it too easy for guys. Now men feel like they dont have to court women at all. It is total BS. Maybe I am just more of a romantic than other people. Maybe I have come to that point in my life where I would rather have a connection with someone instead of just sleep with someone just for the act of sleeping with someone. Who knows. I do know that I am very good at getting myself off and lord help the next person I actually sleep with because it will be hot, wet and down right dirty. I apologize to my neighbors in advance!