My thoughts are in Brussels

I don't understand suicide bombs. Most recently in Brussels and Istanbul. Radicals killing innocent people left and right because "their god said so?" Really? I dont know any god that says to kill other people. And if there is one, I think it is much safer for the rest of the world, if we just exile those believers. I don't understand why it is so difficult for everyone to get along. We need to teach acceptance and learn to get along with others. Appreciate everyone's difference even if we don't believe in them ourselves. People are allowed to believe whatever they want however, not if it includes killing innocent people. These individuals are just going about their day, going to the airport to potentially go on vacation, see their family and then some radical just instantly kill them for not doing anything to them directly. Killing strangers to make a point. I can't except this. My heart breaks every time something like this happens as it should. The repercussions from these acts are forever lasting. From the security measures to different constructions measures, will change everything forever.